Master your anxiety. Unleash your genius | Jesse Eisenberg

Actor, author, and director Jesse Eisenberg demystifies the role of anxiety and self-doubt in leadership.

With striking honesty, Eisenberg reveals how anxiety, self-doubt, and fear have been unlikely catalysts in his career as an actor, writer, and director. Beyond the glare of Hollywood, he shares personal anecdotes that shed light on the complexities of navigating public perception, criticism, and the relentless pursuit of excellence.

Eisenberg's journey is a testament to the transformative power of reframing vulnerability as a source of strength, offering profound insights into the art of leadership. Through a lens of empathy and humility, he challenges conventional notions of authority, showcasing how leading with a quiet confidence can inspire innovation and collaboration. This dialogue invites a deeper understanding of how emotional intelligence and a willingness to embrace the unknown are pivotal in cultivating a culture of creativity and resilience in any field.

Role: Video editor & animator

Client: Big Think+

Runtime: 9:15

Primary Distribution: YouTube

Publishing Date: February 21, 2024


6 ways to heal trauma without medication | Bessel van der Kolk | Big Think